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 Marketplace / Shopping / 7910
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Re: Target Clearance and then some...
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 17:07:39 GMT
3453 times
I found two Watto's Junkyard's at one Target in Tulsa for $12.44 each.  they
were marked at $30 somethin but scanned at the lower price. I tried to take
my receipt to another target to have them match the price but no can do. Oh
well, I'm still very happy.


Target In-store
Movie Backdrop   1351    $14.94      $59.90
Mobile Outpost   6520    $ 7.44      $29.90
Ice Surfer       6579    $ 1.25      $ 4.99
Research Glider  5921    $ 1.44      $ 5.99
Speed Dragster   6714    $ 3.74      $14.99

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Target Clearance and then some...
If there is another Target nearby that has not marked them down yet, I would check back in a few days. Most of them seem to have done that 75% markdown last week. Perhaps the markdown crew has not worked that store as yet. Ray (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-01, to,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Target Clearance and then some...
Here's the scoop on what I've seen, and what a friend pointed me to, in addition to my last post on Moviemaker, Fire HQ, and others at one local Walmart. I'm not interested in shipping any sets for interested parties, I have enough work shopping for (...) (24 years ago, 3-Aug-01, to

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