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  New Items on The Vault - 9/9/99
**You are on this mailing list because you have expressed interest in my direct Lego sales at The Vault. Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this list to receive notice of new additions.** There are lots new items on The Vault (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
  Re: New Items on The Vault - 9/9/99
(...) IMO this doesn't belong in Please keep ads in buy-sell-trade. Todd: If I am incorrect, please tell me. If I'm right, please back me up. Thanks, Naji (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
  Re: New Items on The Vault - 9/9/99
(...) I think Matt posted in the right place. Matt has established his proprietorship "The Vault" much like an online store (where everything is first-come-first-serve and fixed-priced) and very little like a typical person-to-person sale. As long (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to, lugnet.admin.general)

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