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 Marketplace / Shopping / 5585
5584  |  5586
Re: Halloween
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 02:03:25 GMT
446 times
In, Erik Olson writes:
The opposite of shopping: giving the stuff away again. Just when I thought I
might not get any trick-or-treaters, a crowd stormed my door! I'm always
curious which sets attract girls or boys but I didn't have a chance to see as
they crammed the doorway three deep. But I guarantee you there were more
Technic sets than boys, and those are all gone now. As usual the Freestyle
polybags went before any minifig polybags! (I guess they, too, have enough
Johnny Thunder already.)

There even are Technic sets cheap enough to give away?  I thought the smallest
one was the small Hovercraft/Helicopter.  What polybags have Johnny
Thunder?  I only got eight trick-or-treaters (one of which was my LEGO-hating
sister, and two were friends of hers) and have a lot of leftover chips and
pop.. I really wish it was leftover LEGO.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Halloween
In, Bradley Dale writes: Yes, the 8246 is the one I got bunches of from Target. There was a red vehicle same-size, too. If a minifig has a brown bush-hat I call him Johnny Thunder. Actual sets were 5900 from (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to

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The opposite of shopping: giving the stuff away again. Just when I thought I might not get any trick-or-treaters, a crowd stormed my door! I'm always curious which sets attract girls or boys but I didn't have a chance to see as they crammed the (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to

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