| | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
Tom Stangl, VFAQman <talonts@vfaq.com> wrote in message news:3965FFF1.6E3862...faq.com... (...) 5986 Amazon Ancient Ruins is $22.50 6454 Countdown Corner is $5.75 Using the same coupon, a Castle and some Ruins was $47.37, also including tax and (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
Thanks! I ordered a 5986 too - never thought it was worth retail, but $22, why not? (...) -- Tom Stangl ***(URL) Visual FAQ home ***(URL) Bay Area DSMs (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
(...) It looks like they have 5561 again for $39.99 (search for "model team"). Also, don't forget to get your 5% rebate from ebate.com... (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
To All, www.KBKIDS.com is having some good LEGO items for sale: Night Lords Castle - $24.99 Star Wars LEGO Speeder Bikes - $6.00 Star Wars Episode I LEGO Naboo Swamp Playset - $6.00 LEGO System Star Wars Sith Infiltrator - $17.50 Amazon Ancient (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
In lugnet.market.shopping, Doug Dropeskey writes: --snip-- (...) Looks like they are sold out of the 5986 since I don't see it listed. For those who are looking for gifts for young kids they also have the Duplo cowboy western set on sale for 6.75, (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
(...) <snip> (...) Dang - it was there at 13:00 when I was at my mom's office, but when I got home and wanted to get it... ugh!!! I guess it's either they were sold out, or they mispriced it and realized their mistake... :-( (hehe, with KB's prices (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
If anybody ordered 6454 Countdown Corner, check your email receipt. Mine said Com-Link Cruiser - eeewwwww. (But on kb's order status check page, they have the correct set.) Julie (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)
 | | Re: 6097 Nigth Lords Castle Surprise of the day *AGAIN* 7/7/00
(...) I noticed that and called them up. They took $3 off my order for the shipping in case it's the wrong thing. I did look up the com-link cruiser, and it's item number is one off the item number for Countdown Corner, so I believe we will get the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to lugnet.market.shopping)