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 Marketplace / Shopping / 4240
  Re: 4565 Freight & Crane Railway for $75 at ZanyBrainy
(...) Aha! So you must be that 'mysterious guy' who called up the Glendale store and purchased all the sets including the 4 I had set aside on layaway. I wend down yesterday to pick them up, and was told that they had sold them yesterday morning to (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-00, to
  Re: 4565 Freight & Crane Railway for $75 at ZanyBrainy
Dave Johann wrote: (Tom Stangl wrote:) (...) And the same mysterious "guy from the Bay Area" who bought up all the Technic Space Shuttles over the phone from the ZB I frequent! (...) It's also worth dropping by. Don't know when Tom called (maybe it (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jun-00, to

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