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 Marketplace / Shopping / 2443
    Re: Informal WB Store Survey —Jeff Stembel
   4 4561s 4 8735s All Cancelled. The page lists the Pokemon Cards as being shipped, though. I wonder if I'll actually get 'em? If so, they better not charge me anything. Jeff (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jan-00, to
        Re: Informal WB Store Survey —Jeff Stembel
   Update: I got the Pokemon Card. AFAIK, they didn't charge me anything. I did make two other orders, though: Order 2 (1/27) Shipped(!) 4 6160 Sea Scorpion Backordered 4 6584 Extreme Team Challenge Backordered 4 6150 Crystal Detector Backordered 4 (...) (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to
        Re: Informal WB Store Survey —Mike Kory
   My small order of 2 8445 Indy Storms was just cancelled. No email notice or apology or nothin'. I'm up for the boycott too. Mike Kory (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to
        RE: Informal WB Store Survey —Doug Finney
     My only order was in the original round for 1 8445. Received it with no problems. I don't remember the exact day I placed my order but it was shipped on the 19th. I consider myself lucky. Doug (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to
        Re: Informal WB Store Survey —Jamie Dunn
   I think this is a clear case of bait & switch. I could see if they tried apologizing for the first time, but nothing, and then to do it again!! I wish we could do something, more than just boycott, I think they need to be reported, and example made (...) (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to

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