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7997 Train Station available from Shop At Home
Tue, 19 Jun 2007 14:34:48 GMT
970 times
In addition to the recently-released 7996 Train Crossing (dual-crossover rails), the 7997 Train Station is now available from S@H for $45 and has 387 pieces. Although vastly more attractive and architecturally-aware than several previous train stations, this station is still on the expensive side given its part count. and lack of 9V rails. It appears that this station includes some unique parts such as columns in yellow, 45-deg inverse bi-angle 2x2 bricks, an analog clock face, and black 6x8 roof slopes.

(Click on the image to go to the Shop At Home page)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 7997 Train Station available from Shop At Home
(...) This is exactly what's holding me back from purchasing this set. The RC rails are useless to me right now and the price per piece is just too high compared to some of the other great sets out right now. I'll probably buy a couple more Cafe (...) (17 years ago, 19-Jun-07, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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