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 Marketplace / Shopping / 12439
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Re: New Sets available at Retail stores but not online yet
Tue, 16 May 2006 21:11:18 GMT
5170 times
In, Mathew Clayson wrote:
In, Todd Thuma wrote:
Early Birds,

I happened to stop by the LEGO Outlet in Atlanta and the LEGO Imagination Center
in Orlando on the same day and discovered brand new sets available there that
are not available online or from Shop@Home. These sets include the new Soccer,
City Construction, Knight's Kingdom, and Sponge Bob sets.

Some are online at S@H now, also the new airport, Avatar and second group of
batman sets.


I am sorry, my fault. I was not clear on my point that I was trying to make.

You can buy these sets at two physical stores, as I visited each store and can
confirm them personnally. However, try to buy the sets I listed online through
Shop@home in the United States and you are SOL (stuppified and out of luck). I
have not called Shop@Home but the store manager at LEGO Outlet Atlanta and the
person I spoke with at the Imagination Center in Orlando both confirmed that
these are not currently available at the call center at Shop@Home. I could be
wrong, I haven't called, but there you are.

The new Batman, Avatar, and the cool airport set are all available there and are
currently available online through



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Sets available at Retail stores but not online yet
(...) Some are online at S@H now, also the new airport, Avatar and second group of batman sets. Mat (19 years ago, 16-May-06, to

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