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Factory, questions & comments
lugnet.general,, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 12 May 2006 22:23:42 GMT
401 times
So I downloaded the 1.6 version of LDD, and threw together a few simple mocs (jlug container car, simple town park, old red phone booth for town)... to check out pricing et al.

The prices seemed fairly inline, until I did up micro version of the old red train station set, seemed a bit pricey for the size of completed model... but turns out, I guess thats fair price for 254 pieces.

Also, can someone tell me how to turn of the “smoking feature” when you want to take a “snapshot” of things you are building things that shouldnt smoke... I prefer my building not to go up in smoke because currently I am getting something that looks like this...

Anyhow, during this process, I have been watching the gallery, to see if there are other things that I might want to purchase, as well as watching postings here on Lugnet.

First of all, there seems to be a huge delay in time span from the time someone mentioned a moc or set available, until they show up in the gallery... for example, I just noticed that Bram’s balls showed up, and when looking for the Savethe9vTrain stuff... I could find the fig in the gallery but not the train container (although I could find some other containers, by another user.)

Also it seems to me as if the gallery is only holding 12 pages of photos of “new” sets, for example, the first model that I started watching has already disappeared from the public gallery. (At first I thought the 12 pages was just because there had only been that many set with the new palette, but that doesnt seem to be the case now.)

Thirdly, I have yet to see many of these “parts packs” that are being made by AFOL show up in the gallery either. For example, I did see someones version of dark red parts pack, and someone headlight brick parts pack, but none of the ones that (for example) Marc has been making up. (Although, maybe he didnt put them in the gallery???)

Which makes me believe that we are going to have trouble finding sets we want to purchase, if say, we want to purchase them 6 months from now.

I’m thinking we have a need of master list... of AFOL created factory sets (of mocs or parts packs) with links for easy purchase to be hosted offsite, so we dont have to search thru a million posts here or elsewhere.

Also, for the “Dear-Lego” part... when I loaded up my first moc set... I could see it but did not get a price for it. (nor could I add it to my cart). I contacted customer service after waiting for 24 hours... just today I got an email back... funny enough, in the mean time, my set has appeared not only in the gallery, but also with a price. Their canned response was polite enough, but useless since it was totally the wrong info. They suggested in the upmost of friendlyness that maybe I didnt use the correct parts pack... and neglected to touch on, (only from what I can assume) that there is a moderated time delay before you can even get the cost for your own designs. That info should be much clearer to the newbie. Also, why does still have 1.5 as your main link for the Factory?

Janey “Red Brick”

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Factory, questions & comments
(...) I believe all the smoking bricks are available in other categories without smoke. They're just kind of poorly organized. (...) You have to actively add your designs to the gallery. WHen you hit the brick->world icon in LDD, it'll take you to a (...) (19 years ago, 12-May-06, to
  Re: Factory, questions & comments
(...) You can check the price on a LEGO Factory model without waiting for moderation - see (URL) here>. And you are correct, I haven't been submitting the 10-piece parts packs to the gallery. I figured they weren't really MOCs and they might not be (...) (19 years ago, 13-May-06, to, FTX)

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