| | Paypal Non Credit Card Payment
Hey Y'all: I have been trying to send some people money by the means specified by Stanley and Krenz, to name but a few. I have not seen the screen that Mike posted to the internet a week or so ago -- but I have been able to become "verified", (...) (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.services)
| | Re: Paypal Non Credit Card Payment
(...) If you have a personal account, it seems to be driven by how much funds you have available already in the account when you initiate payment. If you have enough funds to cover the payment it does not ask you anything. If you don't you can (...) (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.services)
| | Re: Paypal Non Credit Card Payment
(...) Well, I guess that's the situation then -- I'll just keep the thing filled with some extra dollars and that will be that. Thanks for the reply... -- Richard (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to lugnet.market.services)