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OOC -- Jambalaya-like group-MOC idea
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 20:10:34 GMT
! (details)
2769 times
Hi all,

I've been thinking of this idea for a while and I'm interested in kicking it
out to y'all for comments.  I'm preliminarily calling it Our Own Creation.  It
was originally a permutation of the jambalaya idea when I was thinking of
J-games, but as the jambalaya trend died off, I let most of my ideas go too.
But this one keeps bugging at me.

The original idea was that someone would put some number (5-10?) of LEGO
elements together and then ship them to someone else.  That person would remove
a single piece, keep it, and add the same number of elements as the first
person.  And so on.  The idea would be to try to actually build something nifty
as it traveled.

But the idea is completely flexible.  It could use a different number of added
bricks, removed bricks, etc.  I have also thought about including a sack with
the box from which each person draws a random element that must be added to the
OOC and then the person adds an element of their own to the bag for future
drawings.  The use (or not) of the random draw is likewise completely flexible.

Some people complained about jambalayas because of the cost.  This idea would
cost similarly and not really even have the advantage of providing a trade.  I
could manage the $4-10 once every three months or whatever and I think it would
be fun.  Anyone else?

If we want to pursue this, I'm happy to kick it off, but we should agree to the
rules first.  Some questions that we need to comment on are:


How many pieces are added at every stop?  Does the number stay constant?

Do the pieces added come in whole or in part from a random draw bag?  Does the
current bearer add pieces from his/her collection directly to the OOC or to the
draw bag?  In what proportion?

Are there other rules that would be fun to include?

Who can participate?  If I understand the situation, many of the jambalaya
disappeared -- how do we avoid this?

What happens to the OOC when we're done?


Does anyone want to try something like this in person at BrickFest next
weekend?  It would progress much more quickly and be a nice proof of concept.

I've included only for this last idea.  Since l.m.j
isn't really being used (no posts in seven months) I'm setting FUT there.  If
someone thinks this belongs elsewhere, feel free to correct that.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: OOC -- Jambalaya-like group-MOC idea
I think the proof of concept at BrickFest is a great idea...count me in if you ever start one around by mail. Paul Sinasohn, who never lost or disappeared a Jambalaya box (22 years ago, 15-Jul-02, to

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