I need all this stuff, but really need 2x2 gray cylinders, gray 1x3 arches and
gray 1x5x4 half arches. I also still have some misc pieces I can trade or I 'm
also willing to just buy pieces. Any pieces you have will be GREATLY
1x1 tiles any color
black, brown, tan, light or dark gray tiles, any size
light gray or black roof pieces, any angle or size, including 1x2x3
extreme angles
large or medium brown castle doors with rounded top
any of the below in light gray ONLY
1x1 or 2x2 cylinders
2x2x3.3 octagon castle collums
1x3, 1x4, 1x6x2, 1x8x2, 1x12x3 arches or 1x5x4 half arches
1x2 tiles with single center stud
1x1x2 brick with "fingers" to hold door
mini fig arms or torsos
minifig head shaped piece-no print or mummy's head
1x1 cones
2x16x16 train station platform piece
2x4x4 half cylinder from fuel rocket from minifig space shuttle
3x3x6 castle corner walls without stone print
1x4x1 lattice fence
any flat (1/3 brick thick) plates, really need, 1x2, 1x4, 2x4,
1x2 thin walls
Steve DeCraemer