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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 8452
8451  |  8453
FS: MISB Sets (mostly)
Sat, 14 Oct 2000 13:55:20 GMT
984 times
G'day folks,

For more details check out FlightDeck on BrickBay:

I have the following sets for sale:

Category     Description                         Price  Qty
Adventurers  5988 Pharaoh's Forbidden Ruins       $69.00   3
Castle       4805 Ninja Knights                    $5.00   5
Castle       6088 Robber's Retreat                $25.00   1
Castle       6089 Stone Tower Bridge              $45.00   1
Castle       6089 Stone Tower Bridge              $49.00   1
Castle       6093 Flying Ninja Fortress           $65.00   3
Pirates      6250 Cross Bone Clipper              $49.00   1
Pirates      6280 Armada Flagship                 $59.00   1
Pirates      6280 Armada Flagship                 $65.00   5
Space        6982 Explorien Starship              $79.00   1
Town         6442 Sting Ray Explorer              $19.00   3
Town         6444 Outback Airstrip                $24.00   3
Town         6455 Space Simulation Station        $23.00   9
Town         6456 Mission Control                 $59.00   4
Town         6555 Sea Hunter                       $5.00   2
Trains       4561 Railway Express                 $94.00   5
Western      6799 Showdown Canyon                 $15.00   1

Most of these are MISB.  Duplicate items/prices are because
some sets have different box conditions.  US$, shipping extra.
Many of these are the lowest prices on BrickBay (probably
not saying much there), and many are only being sold by me
at present.

Kyle D. Jackson, LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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