| | Re: Cancelling orders -- a Brickbay issue Albert Shikaze
| | I am not going to spend any time checking out the legalize of Brickbay's Terms and Conditions for uses their site. A lawyer can do that if they wish. This is turning into a "lose lose" situation. Some earlier dialogue may have helped. Alfred loses (...) (24 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
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| | | | Re: Cancelling orders -- a Brickbay issue Alfred Speredelozzi
| | | | I have to agree here. I should have talked to Clark about the smell on the pieces, before I made a public response that he subsiquently took offense for. However, a number of things got in the way, which may or may not help Dan to make a better (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-00, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
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| | | | | | Re: Cancelling orders -- a Brickbay issue Kevin Wilson
| | | | (...) What is to stop you (or anyone) emailing each other outside the standard "process"? I don't see the auto-steps provided by venues like Brickbay or eBay as being the *only* way to communicate. Kevin ---...--- Personal Lego Web page: (URL) Air (...) (24 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
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