> Anyone out there bored and clever enough to write a little doohickey that lets
> one register interest to a list of addresses and will forward mail on to that
> list after collecting the real address of the forwarder and checking to see
> that it is real (perhaps by mailing out a confirmation code that has to be used
> when one is ready to mail the real thing) ??
I can create the base functionality with a few filters this weekend, unless
people think it would be better to do it via a lugnet group (as some of this
thread suggests)...
> It's not high priority enough to get Todd to do right now I don't suspect, but
> eventually it belongs here, I reckon.
If I created one this weekend, it would be in VBScript/ASP ... if someone else
want's to do it in a *nix language for future migration to lugnet, that's fine
too, but hopefully they'll let me know real soon so I don't spend uneccessary
time on it ;-)
Thanks & let me know what you think,
Chris Busse
Message has 1 Reply:
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Apology for my email by Kieran Brady
| (...) Yet another argument for an "opt in" list. I'd gladly receive targeted, brief, occasional mail (NOT auction updates unless i request them, mind you, but announcements of upcoming auctions, sales, etc) from any responsible LEGO sellers that (...) (25 years ago, 12-May-00, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.space)
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