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Re: Apology for my email by Kieran Brady
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general,
Fri, 12 May 2000 16:18:18 GMT
872 times
Anyone out there bored and clever enough to write a little doohickey that lets
one register interest to a list of addresses and will forward mail on to that
list after collecting the real address of the forwarder and checking to see
that it is real (perhaps by mailing out a confirmation code that has to be • used
when one is ready to mail the real thing) ??

I can create the base functionality with a few filters this weekend, unless
people think it would be better to do it via a lugnet group (as some of this
thread suggests)...

It's not high priority enough to get Todd to do right now I don't suspect, but
eventually it belongs here, I reckon.

If I created one this weekend, it would be in VBScript/ASP ... if someone else
want's to do it in a *nix language for future migration to lugnet, that's fine
too, but hopefully they'll let me know real soon so I don't spend uneccessary
time on it ;-)

Thanks & let me know what you think,

Chris Busse

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Apology for my email by Kieran Brady
I would think it would be best to wait and install it on Lugnet, so that Todd can allow only Lugnet members to use it, greatly reducing the chance of SPAM. Anyone breaking the rules would have their mailing priveleges removed. (...) | Please do not (...) (25 years ago, 12-May-00, to, lugnet.admin.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Apology for my email by Kieran Brady
(...) Yet another argument for an "opt in" list. I'd gladly receive targeted, brief, occasional mail (NOT auction updates unless i request them, mind you, but announcements of upcoming auctions, sales, etc) from any responsible LEGO sellers that (...) (25 years ago, 12-May-00, to, lugnet.admin.general,

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