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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 5332
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Re: 8880 8480
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:47:06 GMT
763 times
I have both these sets for sale - MISB.

"Christopher Jeris" <> wrote in message
I am looking for ONE each of 8880 Supercar and 8480 Space Shuttle,
in good or better condition:
- sealed is not important
- cosmetic box damage is fine (the box is just going to go into storage)
- all parts present and undamaged, although I can replace common ones
- unapplied decals would be nice
- small tears in instructions are fine (all of mine have them)

I am not a collector but an enthusiast who wants these sets for personal
collection - although I understand that for a MISB set I would have to pay
the going rate for such.  I don't want to deal with Ebay, although I am
willing to use a trusted intermediary service.  If you are interested in
selling to me, please describe what you have and I will make you an offer.
I am located in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

thanks for your time,
Chris Jeris

Message is in Reply To:
  WTB: 8880 8480
I am looking for ONE each of 8880 Supercar and 8480 Space Shuttle, in good or better condition: - sealed is not important - cosmetic box damage is fine (the box is just going to go into storage) - all parts present and undamaged, although I can (...) (25 years ago, 20-Mar-00, to

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