Hi all !
I am thinking of selling a train lot, but first i'd like to check
if anyone is intrested :)
It's all from the 80's, and i would like to hear from YOU ! if you
have any intrest in this train lot, and what you would offer for the
whole lot.
- IF THIS MESSAGE APPEARS 10 TIMES, i am sorry, i seem
to be having a slight problem with my news server :( -
This is it:
Set #: (from) included:
7710 (1980) locomotive + 2 wagons + platform and some figs
7715 (1985) locomotive (enigine) + 1 wagon and platform (+ figs) +
building instructions and part of the box
7755 (1983) Diesel locomotive, the shutters (8) are black instead of red,
one wheel is red instead of black
furthermore, there is a LOT !! of rails (tracks), straight and curved, and
a crossing, and 2 points if i am not mistaking.
As for the rest, all the items in this lot are looking pretty good, and most
of the stickers are present.
Please email me if you find this lot intresting, if i should sell or auction
and what you would pay for it,
i'd like to hear it it's worth selling !
Thank you for watching, and happy building (train-ing ! ;))
Inge & lex