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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 3021
3020  |  3022
possibilities - 4558, 4559, 2150 (2), etc
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 03:45:41 GMT
351 times
Just wondering what this would go for.  Not 100% sure I want to
sell, am 100% sure I don't want to bother with an auction.

Call me crazy, call me not looking forward to moving an entire room
full of Lego sets and bricks.

4558  - new, sealed in box.  Some minor shelfware.
4559 - used, complete in box.
2150 - new in sealed box.
2150 - new in opened box, sealed bags.
4548 - new in sealed box
4548 - 'new' in open box, missing wires that attach it to track (got
that cheap at TRU)

I'd throw in 4525 (it's in the 4559 box) - complete as far as I can
tell, along with instructions.

Note the spamblock - that seems to be confusing more people these

The parts you want and nothing else? - Just Another Brick Auction
Why pay eBay? Run your own LEGO auctions for free!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: possibilities - 4558, 4559, 2150 (2), etc
(...) Oh, and I just realized I actually have 2 4559's. The other one is new in a sealed box. (25 years ago, 2-Nov-99, to
  Re: possibilities - 4558, 4559, 2150 (2), etc
(...) <list snipped> I'm facing this myself. I'm moving in 3 weeks and I've spent over 8 hours packing up LEGO and I'm only about 1/2 done. On the bright side, I'll be getting a LARGE portion of the basement for my LEGO space. Rob +---...---+ | Rob (...) (25 years ago, 2-Nov-99, to

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