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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 14229
14228  |  14230
Yamato Valkyries with Lego Valkyrie Instructions
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 23:51:18 GMT
1120 times
If you're a big fan of Robotech/Macross you will love these import toys.  I
have 3 1/60 Yamato Valkyries that I'd like to sell, mostly because I already
have enough to start a small squadron. Unlike the ebay vendors who are
charging ridiculous amounts for shipping, I will charge actual shipping
although delivery confirmation or insurance will be required for our mutual
benefit.  I'll be including my CD-rom instructions for the Lego version as
an additional thank you for whoever takes these extras off my hands.

Yamato 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru(red trim)- MISB: $65

Yamato 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru(red trim)- MIB, transformed once: $60

Yamato 1/60 VF-1S Folker(yellow trim)- MIB, transformed once: $60

If you're interested, email me.


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