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Re: preventing bricklink mail
Wed, 1 May 2002 03:30:45 GMT
31 times
In lugnet.general, Kerry Raymond writes:
I recently ordered some items on bricklink and wondered why I hadn't received
an email response from the seller. By sheer chance, I just happened to look in
"mybricklink" and saw that there was a bricklink message waiting for me, which
was the response from the seller. I have never had anyone communicate with me
that way before.

Personally I don't have time to go checking bricklink constantly for
bricklinkmail (and I don't see the point of having it when anyone can have a
free regular email account at hotmail etc). Is there any way to configure
bricklink to either:

* prevent people from bricklinkmailing me, or
* forward any bricklinkmail automatically to my regular email address



BL mail was designed for a backup email only. If the buyer/seller is not
getting a response from the address used when regestered, then BL mail is
available - as a backup.

Here's what BL has to say:
"BrickMail is used to store the buyer's comments that they enter at checkout
and should be used when e-mail does not work."

There is no mention on BL about preventing or forwarding the BL emails.


Message is in Reply To:
  preventing bricklink mail
I recently ordered some items on bricklink and wondered why I hadn't received an email response from the seller. By sheer chance, I just happened to look in "mybricklink" and saw that there was a bricklink message waiting for me, which was the (...) (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to lugnet.general)

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