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Re: preventing bricklink mail
Wed, 1 May 2002 03:47:35 GMT
1901 times
In lugnet.general, Maggie Cambron writes:
In lugnet.general, Kerry Raymond writes:
I recently ordered some items on bricklink and wondered why
I hadn't received an email response from the seller. By sheer
chance, I just happened to look in "mybricklink" and saw that
there was a bricklink message waiting for me, which was the
response from the seller. I have never had anyone communicate
with me
that way before.

Personally I don't have time to go checking bricklink constantly
for bricklinkmail (and I don't see the point of having it when
anyone can have a free regular email account at hotmail etc).
Is there any way to configure bricklink to either:

* prevent people from bricklinkmailing me, or
* forward any bricklinkmail automatically to my regular email address

Hi Kerry,

I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know that probably the
quickest way to get it answered would be to post it on Bricklink's message

It seems to be busy right now so maybe you'll get a fast response.


Maggie C.

XFUT to market.brickshops where this is an ideal topic!

The original intent of the suggestion that was marked as "implemented" when
BrickMail came into existance was for an emergency use only communication
mechanism if and when regular email was not working. Further it was intended
to be a mechanism that got in your face... if you went anywhere on BrickLink
you would be very aware that you had a message from someone that had failed
be able to communicate with you any other way.

It was never intended to be a substitute for order remarks, or for regular

I know this for a fact since I authored the suggestion.

However Dan chose to implement something rather different, and it is
therefore being used rather differently than what the suggestion intended.

Despite that fact, I think that having it forward messages to regular mail
would defeat the "emergency nature" of the communication, because if your
regular mail was not working, forwarding a message there would ENSURE that
you did not get it. So I would argue strenuously against such a change.

But you are correct, you should not have to go to a particular part of
BrickLink to check mail on a regular basis, IMHO. It should jump out at you
whenever you anywhere near BrickLink... any page you visit at all, if
BrickLink can tell who you are, should be prefaced by a "you have mail and
this is an emergency!" page that makes it obvious that you have a message
that could not be delivered any other way.

Please consider the intent before asking that it forward to regular mail,
even by non default preference.

I will post a pointer to this thread on the BrickLink discussion forums for you.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: preventing bricklink mail
(...) Hi Kerry, I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know that probably the quickest way to get it answered would be to post it on Bricklink's message board. (URL) seems to be busy right now so maybe you'll get a fast response. HTH, (...) (23 years ago, 1-May-02, to lugnet.general)

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