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 Marketplace / Auctions / 6911
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Re: Did anyone else get this? - "Buy The Brick"
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 17:41:44 GMT
109 times
In, Ran Talbott writes:
If you buy from spammers,  you support spam.  If you say,  "Well,
*this* spam is okay,  because it's pitching something I like",  you
lose your moral grounds for objecting to the next one that comes along
that you *don't* like.

While true, that if you buy from spammers you make it ok, it's differnet to say
that I may like the product, but I will not buy it from a spammer.  Jenn and I
are very much against spam, and IMO, the fact that it's lego related doesn't
make it any better.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Did anyone else get this? - "Buy The Brick"
(...) A few weeks ago I did receive an email from these people questioning how I personally felt about a LEGO Price List. I told them that I didn't object to it, as long as it had a price range, and not a set figure. For insurance purposes we (...) (24 years ago, 10-Oct-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Did anyone else get this? - "Buy The Brick"
(...) If you buy from spammers, you support spam. If you say, "Well, *this* spam is okay, because it's pitching something I like", you lose your moral grounds for objecting to the next one that comes along that you *don't* like. #include (...) (24 years ago, 9-Oct-00, to,

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