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Re: #6983 Ice Station Odyssey unopened..Ebay
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:48:23 GMT
754 times
oohhhh, o.k., I was using that icon that says "drag this to create a link
to this page". I'll test that later over on .test.

Larry Pieniazek wrote:

So it sounds like that maybe you're trying to paste the page into your
post instead of just the URL text...

The way to paste URLs from netscape is to go to the top box where the
URL is shown and copy it into your cut buffer via cntl-C after clicking
on it the right number of times (it toggles between selected and not)

then paste it right into the composition window and away you go.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: #6983 Ice Station Odyssey unopened..Ebay
So it sounds like that maybe you're trying to paste the page into your post instead of just the URL text... The way to paste URLs from netscape is to go to the top box where the URL is shown and copy it into your cut buffer via cntl-C after clicking (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jan-99, to

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