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Re: Scratch off coupon sale Zainy Brainy W-S
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 03:37:33 GMT
1680 times
In, Frank Filz writes:

I wonder if they'll be as lenient this time as last time. Last fall, they
had one of these, and allowed people to use coupons they had already
scratched off (I used a 20% one to get two Mindstorms RIS 1.0, Mike got a
30% off one [actually, he got the 20% off one also, but gave it to me]). I'm
not that sure I'd use it if I had to scratch off in the store (10% isn't

How stricked is ZB about early scratching?

I was worried about "early scratching" and did not want to find I voided a 50%
card.  But, with 3 small kids in the house, things get grubby.  Being a good
Dad, I always try to keep things clean.  Did you know WD40 is a great cleaner?
It will remove cryon from walls without removing the paint (at least on my
walls it works).

In fact, I had to clean my ZB card (one of my kids had touched it ;-) and
noticed if I sprayed  a paper towel VERY lightly with WD40 and cleaned the ZB
card VERY carefully it looked real nice and new (no kid dirt on it now).  I
know ZB appreciates my efforts to give them a nice clean card - unscratched and
full of mystery and promise.  I also noticed some (not all) the "scratch stuff"
melted onto that paper towel. How odd. I also happend to hold the card up to a
very bright light (to be sure it was very clean, of course) and oddly I could
now read the discount %.  Darn, 10%.

Now, that was the last card they sent out.  Could be this current card version
has anti-WD40 protection and will burst into flames if you wipe it with WD40.
Or it may automatically, turn into a 10% card. So DO NOT DO IT. And do not
email me if you card melts before your eyes.  I am sure all ruined cards will
be worth 50% off.


PS Don't flame if you can or can't read between the lines on this email - pun

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Scratch off coupon sale Zainy Brainy W-S
The Durham Zany Brainy in New Hope Commons off 15-501 was giving out coupons in the store today. Another 10%-er. Drat. Cary (25 years ago, 16-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Scratch off coupon sale Zainy Brainy W-S
sheree rosenkrantz wrote in message ... (...) an (...) I wonder if they'll be as lenient this time as last time. Last fall, they had one of these, and allowed people to use coupons they had already scratched off (I used a 20% one to get two (...) (25 years ago, 9-Apr-00, to,  

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