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 Local / United States / Michigan / Grand Rapids / 96
    Re: Mc Donald's Lego —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Yes, I was rather wondering why I could buy 10 different ones in one fell swoop. I saw a LOT of those at the flea market I was at last weekend (at which I found a very incomplete beta command base with a fair condition box...). But I plan to (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
        Re: Mc Donald's Lego —Steve Bliss
   (...) Wheedle how? To sell you all the sets at once? Check with the manager, there's usually a mail-in form to obtain all the sets. Unfortunately, the offer includes special packaging or display add-ons, and the price is boosted. Getting everything (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
        Re: Mc Donald's Lego —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) Merely when I waltz in with an entire tribe of 4-11 year olds (Taya, Nik, and all the first and second cousins won't fit in 2 cars) to let me pick and choose which ones I get. I imagine I'll be eating a lot of happy meals myself. In fact I (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
         Re: Mc Donald's Lego —Steve Bliss
     (...) Lowell is very good about letting us get what we want--as long as they have it on hand. We've even been known to hold on to duplicates (or undesired items) for later trade-in. (...) It all depends on how you arrange the plastic. (...) I don't (...) (26 years ago, 10-Sep-99, to
        Re: Mc Donald's Lego —Pamela Fryer
   Ditto in Plainwell - they (McD's) usually only have a box/case of one or two different toys/junk at hand, though are good at searching for any (having two boys, they don't usually want the same toy). Steve Bliss wrote: (clip..) (...) Now all this (...) (25 years ago, 14-Sep-99, to

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