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Re: Interest in LEGO wargaming?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming.brikwars
Fri, 26 Mar 2004 05:21:40 GMT
10479 times
In, Jason Catena wrote:
In, Tim Courtney wrote:
In, Jason Catena wrote:
In, Tim Courtney wrote:
I'd love to come and play - I'm afraid starting next week Sunday afternoons
will likely be the only time I'm free enough to make it out though. I'll have
more time in the summer, when I'm only taking two classes. Please LMK if you
decide to game Sunday afternoons!

I can do Sundays once per month, but no Fridays or Saturdays (wife time).
Monday through Thursday evenings I can do each week.  How often were you

Not more often than once per month, maybe every other. I am probably going to
be out of town once in early summer, and definitely for about two weeks in
August, too. Not sure about the rest of the summer either.

I was wondering whether there was a specific Sunday you had in mind,
and what kind of armies you would like to field.

I'm new to BrikWars, but I've been reading through the book and
constructing some faux-Roman units.  So far I have a small 157-CP
TekLevel 2 force on paper, and am working on both filling it out in
LEGO and creating a larger force with more unit variety and a siege
weapon. ;)

Is there a subset of the optional rules that you recommend, or with
which you have played?

I'm probably less familiar with the rules than you are :-) I'd also have to
spend a bit of time building up armies, so I suppose it wouldn't be for a little
while. I don't have a lot of Castle or parts/figs that would be conducive for a
TL2 army, but I could do Space...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Interest in LEGO wargaming?
(...) That's fine. We could just reply in this thread when we've got something together worth fielding. (...) We could do castle vs. space in BrikWars *malicious grin*. I'd be fine throwing a bunch of my TL2 legionaries or samurai or whatever else I (...) (21 years ago, 26-Mar-04, to, lugnet.gaming.brikwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Interest in LEGO wargaming?
(...) I was wondering whether there was a specific Sunday you had in mind, and what kind of armies you would like to field. I'm new to BrikWars, but I've been reading through the book and constructing some faux-Roman units. So far I have a small (...) (21 years ago, 26-Mar-04, to, lugnet.gaming.brikwars)

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