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  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
(...) Excellent Mark. You missed off a couple of names that were added on another branch of this thread. Is there anyone else we know going to step forward and fill the gaps, or are we going to be sharing the morning session with a bunch of (...) (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
August 10th, 9:30am session: 1 Jon D Hayward 2 Tony Priestman 3 Huw Millington 4 Jason Briscoe 5 Michael LeCount 6 Duncan Titmarsh 7 Mark Calladine 8 Phil Traviss 9 10 Jason J Railton 11 David Till 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Paul Cook 19 Mark Palmer 20 (...) (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
In, Paul Cook writes: Is there anyone else we know going to step forward (...) I want to come but I'm supposed to be in Edinburgh for the Festival - I'm trying to find a way to do both, I should know after the weekend. (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
"Paul Cook" <> wrote in message (...) another (...) a (...) They're not 'strangers' - they're new AFOLs!!! Just [my 2 cents] Jono .oO (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
"Jon D Hayward" <> wrote in message (...) What about the initiation ceromony? And who will show them the secret handshake? lawrence (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
(...) Better not be you - you get it wrong so often it's a wonder you haven't been sent back to boot camp... :-) Jason J Railton (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
"Jason J Railton" <> wrote in message (...) The initiation ceromony. Here we see a gathering of brickites on their knees worshiping bricks. "We're not worthy, we're not worthy" (URL) (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
(...) You know, that sign really pulls all the hairs out when you take it off at the end of the day... Jason J Railton (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
August 10th, 9:30am session: 1 Tony Priestman 2 Huw Millington 3 Jason Briscoe 4 Michael LeCount 5 Duncan Titmarsh 6 Mark Calladine 7 Phil Traviss 8 ? 9 ? 10 Jason J Railton 11 David Till 12 ? 13 ? 14 ? 15 ? 16 ? 17 Jon D Hayward (queue jumper!) 18 (...) (23 years ago, 31-May-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
(...) AFOLS perform the secret handshake with their boots??? No wonder I can never get in... (23 years ago, 1-Jun-02, to
  Re: LEGO Modelmaking Experience at LEGOLAND Windsor - ATTENDEES
Simon Bennett <> wrote in message (...) a (...) I'm trying to find a way of being there twice, but the best I can come up with is a miniland me. (URL) make for some interesting pics if we were (...) (23 years ago, 1-Jun-02, to

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