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  Best Bootsale find of the year (so far)
All, Thought I'd just rub it in a little, as today I got some mega bootsale bargains. For instance I got 2 MISB Harry potter 4705 for just £2.00 each! far better that the Woolies deal. I also got copies of various racers and new alpha team divers (...) (23 years ago, 4-May-02, to
  Special offers Daily Express & Argos
If you collect 4 vouchers from the Daily Express, from today 'till Tuesday you can exchange them for a Star Wars 7111 Droid Fighter - that horrible brown thing at Woolworths! Also Argos are selling The Hogwarts express reduced by £5, and Hogwarts (...) (23 years ago, 4-May-02, to
  Serious Play - more info
Following a discussion about serious play, here ar some more information. I register on lego web site as my company might ne interested by this kind of set... guess who is pushing ... I received the brochure on friday and excatly the same day, a (...) (23 years ago, 4-May-02, to
  Re: Proposal for a LUGNET Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
(...) I have something suitable almost finished, so I like this approach. I think gael's second idea is a bit too complex and ambitious, especially for the first such event, but it still has a lot of merit. If instead we could just get supply's of (...) (23 years ago, 4-May-02, to
  Re: Proposal for a LUGNET Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
I think if we want the day to be a success, we should have two differents approach. On one hand, our own MOC, any size, any color, any subject on a back shelve that nobody (the public) can really access. Alternatively behind a window could also do (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to

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