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 Local / United Kingdom / 8066 (-5)
  Re: 1733
(...) Works if you take the "3D" out of the eBay item number in the link. Heck, let me do it here-- now try the above link. Maggie C. (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to
  Re: 1733
(...) I was just thinking the same thing, not only a ridiculous price but the wrong pirate figure. Even the crocodile doesn't belong in the set..... Oh well , it just goes to show, i guess. Cheers Mark (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to
  Re: 1733
(...) What was it, the listing appears to be down now? -Rob. (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to
  RE: 1733
Anyone seen this? - (URL) absolute madness! Jason (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to
  Autocar competition Parts arrive
Hi all, Unbeknownst to me, my 2 year old daughter entered the competition and the jiffy arrived this morning, stuffed with parts. The wheels are yellow technic hubs with 43.2 x 28 balloon tyres. The pull back motor is great fun, and has enough (...) (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to

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