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big old box of junk turns up trumps
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 17:44:52 GMT
678 times
I sought of lost interest in buying boxes of assorted pieces at car boot sales
as I had enough pieces lying in the cupboard already.
However, a box I bought last summer for £15 is paying its way
Inside were a complete 918 and 928 - I didnt know they were there until I
gotthe DK lego book months later and saw the 928 and realised I had the bits
for it
There was a pirate ship and large pirate castle - both near enough complete
There was a bunch of Fabuland - I didnt even know what it was at the time. I
coudnt believe the animals were lego at first - which is now at $78 on ebay

And a ton of bits, many of which had clearly been chewed by a dog. It was
obviously a dog as most of its hair was still in the box too - yuck!

The car boot season is just starting again round here.
Looking forward to some more good boxes of junk


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: big old box of junk turns up trumps
lawrence wilkes <> wrote in message (...) sales (...) I haven't been advertising for stuff either for quite a while, but yesterday at work a lady gave me her daughters LEGO (only about 6 sets) (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to

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