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Re: Roboforce available thru UK club
Sat, 30 Oct 1999 21:03:17 GMT
382 times
Jon D Hayward wrote in message ...
Many of you have the Christmas Bricks 'n' Pieces magazine, but no-one seems
to have mentioned this. On the back cover amongst the Christmas Club Shop
items, you'll see:

Item 136 Robo Raptor @ £19.99 (AKA #2153 Robo Stalker)

Nice orange explorien style helmets

Item 135 Robo Blockbuster @ £13.99 (AKA #2152 Robo Raptor)

Can I say WANT - but I'm not a club member ;(

Item 145 both of the above @ £29.99

So there you have it!


Anyone interested in getting me figs from the former, and a copy of the

(Duckie) Dave Till

Message is in Reply To:
  Roboforce available thru UK club
Many of you have the Christmas Bricks 'n' Pieces magazine, but no-one seems to have mentioned this. On the back cover amongst the Christmas Club Shop items, you'll see: Item 136 Robo Raptor @ £19.99 (AKA #2153 Robo Stalker) Item 135 Robo Blockbuster (...) (25 years ago, 29-Oct-99, to

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