Tue, 23 May 2000 19:46:22 GMT
2324 times
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> Richard Noeckel wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps TORALS
> > ---(Toronto Adult Lego Society)---
> >
> > I like TORALS, it rhymes with morals! And also, all the other LEGO Groups
> > use acronym to represent their collective.
> Jeff Elliott wrote:
> How about S.Q.U.I.D.? That's way cooler. 'Course, I don't know
> what it could stand for. Doesn't have a T or an L... Hmmm. Never
> mind.
> Mebbee GLUT? TORLUG? How about we get more inclusive... LUGON?
> ONLUG? GLUON ?!? (Group of Lego Users in ONtario?)
> Whee...
> :)
> Jeff Elliott
O.K. fine, so I guess that NoBoDy likes TORALS, well then, on to
PLAN B. (no, not World Domination)
LEGO Toronto sounds good, or LEGO GTA. Maybe GATACA (Greater Area Toronto
Association for Collaborative Ascension)I like GATACA it ties into the movie!
But the best option is still LEGO GTA. Simplicity is the best option.
> Eric Kingsley wrote:
> I am waiting for more information on a Toronto based LUG before adding it
> to the map. I am mostly waiting for info on an official name for the group
> then it will be added.
P.S. has anyone responded to the Majestic Mr. Kingsley about our official
collective group name. We should decide soon!!! Also, what is the extent of
our parameters, with regards to the groups boarders. Will we encompass the
whole of southern Ontario, or could we go Power MAD and claim ALL Ontario, and
parts of Manitoba and Quebec. (We could appear as the largest group in the
world on Eric Kingsleys map) This would be a steep is the right direction if
we should decide to take over the World! 
Richard N
You can reach me at
-Lego good, Canada great.-
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: UNITY for TORALS
| (...) P.P.S. I have no idea where  came from. And no its not the rallying call for the advent of World Domination. Really, its not! Sincerely, Richard N You can reach me at -Lego good, Canada great.- (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to
|  | | Re: UNITY for TORALS
| (...) There might have a problem with "LEGO GTA", or any LUG that uses the word "LEGO" in the title? I dunno why, but LUGTOR always makes me think of RAPTOR.. it reminds me of some sci-fi-esque monster.. probably hiding in the swamp just as the (...) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to
|  | | rtlToronto is the working name
| (...) Yes, I have. In order to expedite and lead the process, I've been working with Eric and we're now under the title "rtlToronto" as that's the name we've used for email distributions for the robotics contests and the webpage etc. The LUGMAP now (...) (25 years ago, 24-May-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: UNITY for TORALS
| (...) How about S.Q.U.I.D.? That's way cooler. 'Course, I don't know what it could stand for. Doesn't have a T or an L... Hmmm. Never mind. Mebbee GLUT? TORLUG? How about we get more inclusive... LUGON? ONLUG? GLUON ?!? (Group of Lego Users in (...) (25 years ago, 23-May-00, to
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