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Re: Roll Call Time?
Mon, 22 May 2000 20:20:06 GMT
2441 times
In, Chris Magno writes:
Richard, let  me be the first to show you how wrong you are!

you see, as I understand it, ALL themes are used as way to space my
technic beams.  In fact, I'm  looking at an older robot I made that made
use of some monorail parts.  (smirk)

I've got a couple of "pizza to go" big red roof tiles that will go great
as a get-um scratched ramp for our sumo bot wars. (evil laugh)

and you just don't want to know about the 3 yellow wall thingies.......

My gosh, Chris, please say you're kidding... and if not, please let me offer
you other parts as fillers instead of those, um, yellow <ahem tudor ahem>
thingies, how's about that?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Roll Call Time?
(...) But the grey wall thingies don't make the same *thunk* as the yellow wall thingies when you bombard them with mega firing-cannon fire.. I wouldn't swap mine for anything! :D Richard (25 years ago, 22-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Roll Call Time?
Richard, let me be the first to show you how wrong you are! you see, as I understand it, ALL themes are used as way to space my technic beams. In fact, I'm looking at an older robot I made that made use of some monorail parts. (smirk) I've got a (...) (25 years ago, 20-May-00, to

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