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Re: Shop at Home Online
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:54:09 GMT
585 times
James Brown <> wrote in message

I just placed an order today, so it hasn't been shipped.  Also, I don't • think
the service has been online for more than a day or two, at most, so • there's no
real feedback possible as to shipping time.


That being said, S@H online is just an extension of the S@H phone service, • and
I've ordered from that several times.  Duties are just GST, although • shipping
is a bit steep unless you have a large order.  It is definately cheaper to • buy
from a local store in most cases.  I use S@H for things that aren't • available


Ditto again, However on a recent trip to PEI I realized that local
availability can be a problem. i.e. no mindstorms, UCS sets. as Zellers and
walmart are the only options there.

John Battcock

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  Re: Shop at Home Online
(...) I just placed an order today, so it hasn't been shipped. Also, I don't think the service has been online for more than a day or two, at most, so there's no real feedback possible as to shipping time. That being said, S@H online is just an (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to

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