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Re: Kev from Australia
Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:57:49 GMT
1115 times
In, Kevin Hall wrote:
WOW... what a response... I am so looking forward to moving to Canada....
I dont know exactly where I will be living... depends on work... but I will be
staying with my best friend when I get there... she lives in Simcoe...south
And yes I will be bringing all my lego with me... have to go back to Australia
first to get it packed up to get it shipped....
I am coming over to toronto area around Xmas and new years time....
so please feel free to email me and let me know if anyone wants to meet up?

Kev..: )

Simcoe is just a short drive from where I am - Brantford. Simcoe is a nice
little town in the heart of tobacco country. Brantford isn't too bad either.
Lots of growth here due to cheap commercial and residential land. Plus, when you
do want to get out, it's close to everything else - a 1 hour drive to Toronto,
London, Kitchener/Waterloo, or Niagara (where I am originally from). Maybe I'll
get off my butt and give you the 5 cent tour once you get settled.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Kev from Australia
(...) WOW... what a response... I am so looking forward to moving to Canada.... I dont know exactly where I will be living... depends on work... but I will be staying with my best friend when I get there... she lives in Simcoe...south Ontario. And (...) (21 years ago, 17-Oct-03, to

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