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Re: No 8461 till October
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 03:29:50 GMT
1720 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:

Wait till you grow up :-) • <Grin>
More seriously, where are you in Australia, Matt? It's not clear if this set
will or won't be in stores here in Australia. If you really want one, then S@H
is the way to go. However, if your parents have a problem with that (I presume
they aren't keen to use their credit cards over the Internet), then the thing
to do is to find others in your local area who are interested in doing a joint
S@H order. Then someone else will be using their credit card to place the
order, and you can just pay them with cash. But not knowing where you live, I
can't suggest who the "likely suspects" for a joint order might be.

Thanks Kerry- I live in Adelaide, as a matter of fact- the lugnet group here
is pretty small.
As for waiting till I grow up, I did that with the last 5 models I wanted
(Silver champion, space shuttle, 8880 super car, 8448 super car and
mindstorms (which I ended up with eventually, but only because they brought
out the 2.0...)) ! It gets annoying.

Thanks for the info anyway, and if you know any contacts who DO use S@H,
could you let me know (

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: No 8461 till October
(...) Wait till you grow up :-) More seriously, where are you in Australia, Matt? It's not clear if this set will or won't be in stores here in Australia. If you really want one, then S@H is the way to go. However, if your parents have a problem (...) (23 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to, lugnet.technic)

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