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Re: (was: Kmart 20% off Toys) different RBR
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 00:31:19 GMT
718 times
In, Allister McLaren writes:
Anyone know when the next KMart 15% off sale is?

No need to wait... 20% off toys at KMart until Friday (no need for a Myer card).



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  Re: (was: Kmart 20% off Toys) different RBR
(...) Thanks Richie, I saw that in the subject header, but the message didn't confirm it, so I wasn't sure. This is the problem with having a 'No Junk Mail' sign on my mail box and not watching television very much. (23 years ago, 14-Aug-02, to

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  Re: (was: Kmart 20% off Toys) different RBR
(...) I've got an old catalogue at home that has the 'Dark Shark' in it. On looking up the set number on LUGNET it turns out this was an alternative name for the Black Seas Barracuda. The Red Beard Runner (6289) was rereleased as the Pirate Battle (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to

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