Re: Tusken Raiders
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 23:13:49 GMT
717 times
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In, Richard Parsons writes:
> For those of you with an Australian bent, the new Tuskens (which heads are
> terrible - definitely needed a larger head, not to worry) make fantastic
> Boer War soldiers. Beige torsos with crossed pocketed belts (on both sides
> - cool). Tear off the Tusken heads and use them as ornate legs on a
> particularly ugly coffee table in your Boer War officers mess. Use your
> favourite heads, Johnny Thunder slouch hats, maybe some brown pirate
> epaulettes, even a plume if you're so inclined, and there you are. On
> horseback, with rifles and cutlasses - not bad at all.
Excellent suggestion, Richard! Brikwars set in colonial Africa draws ever
closer. A multi-cultural race for King Solomon's Mines, perhaps?
Richie Dulin
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Tusken Raiders
| For those of you with an Australian bent, the new Tuskens (which heads are terrible - definitely needed a larger head, not to worry) make fantastic Boer War soldiers. Beige torsos with crossed pocketed belts (on both sides - cool). Tear off the (...) (23 years ago, 25-Apr-02, to
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