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Re: The Blockade Runner
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 05:10:26 GMT
325 times
In, Adam Wood writes:
It's good to see that you can pre-order the Blockade Runner through S@H....
But -when- is S@H opening for Australia? It's almost the end of the year
We are not at the end of the year yet, we still have 3 months to go.  Or
should that be 3, long, drawn out, months.

Martin (who is optimistic, yet realistic at the same time).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Blockade Runner
In, Martin Scragg writes: [re: S@H in Australia] (...) With the number of statements made on this, it would be very embarrassing for them (and others who have passed on the message as the truth) if they failed to deliver. Is there a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Sep-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  The Blockade Runner
It's good to see that you can pre-order the Blockade Runner through S@H.... But -when- is S@H opening for Australia? It's almost the end of the year now... (23 years ago, 27-Sep-01, to

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