Re: Pirate ship masts for 6274
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 13:03:00 GMT
566 times
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In, Martin Scragg writes:
> From: "Peter White" <>
> > The MISB 6274 will go much higher.
> Yeah I figured it will probably double the current price, just wondering
> what sort of price masts go for.
While crutch-o-matic is in the market, it will be inflated.
They must be building an armada.
> > The 6274 with substituted sails may be a better bet.
> I have just about the whole set minus the masts, so I will keep an eye on
> this set just in case. BTW it looks like it has some colour substitutions
> that it doesn't mention.
The userid: overlord-my-own-beach (or something similar) auctioned a custom
6274 with an extra centre section and an extra mast recently, it made a nice
looking boat. Search on 'lego 6274' in completed auctions on US ebay.
> > On US ebay, 12 soldiers (10 blue, 2 red incl. a coupla officers) went
> US$80 !
> Cool, maybe I can offset the mast by selling some extra pirates.
Unless they are kitted out in soldiers uniforms, expect less for pirates.
Best bet is to snag a Flybo and try and add some bits.
pete.w (this tag line space left intentionally blank)
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Pirate ship masts for 6274
| From: "Peter White" <> (...) custom (...) nice (...) Yes, they have another one at the moment, looks very nice: (URL) Best bet is to snag a Flybo and try and add some bits. I have one, but it still needs more/taller masts to (...) (24 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to
|  | | Re: Pirate ship masts for 6274
| (...) "Crutch-o-Matic?" I'm confused. Who the h-e-double-hockey- sticks (as if I need to give more clues as to my origin) is the Crutch-o-Matic? But yeah, the prices are way inflated-- even more inflated than when Frank was building his armada! I've (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Pirate ship masts for 6274
| From: "Peter White" <> (...) Yeah I figured it will probably double the current price, just wondering what sort of price masts go for. (...) I have just about the whole set minus the masts, so I will keep an eye on this set (...) (24 years ago, 26-Mar-01, to
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