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Re: large castle suggestions ...
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:51:09 GMT
538 times
In, Kevin Hall writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:
Will that have tips on graphics (ie, adding backgrounds, etc to pictures)? I
was about to ask you how you go about such things, as I plan to do a
storyline for the Studly Harbour Bridge (which, alas, will probably not be
complete by June 8?().

YUP it will.... hopefully a step by step guide too.... :  )


Do you photograph on a solid background, or just manually trace the outline
when you insert backgrounds? What software / hardware etc do you use?

Depends on the size of the model... it's best to use a conrasting

Do you find any particular colour good? I s'pose it depends on the model...

I use Adobe photoshop (our industry standard) to take out the backgrounds of
the potos....this is called "Deep Etching" you do it on a transerant
layer.... then put the photo you want behind it on a layer underneath...
I'll explain it in detail on my site.....

So do you find the background photo first, then take the subject photo to match
(angle, perspective, etc), or the other way round?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: large castle suggestions ...
(...) YUP it will.... hopefully a step by step guide too.... : ) (...) Depends on the size of the model... it's best to use a conrasting background... I use Adobe photoshop (our industry standard) to take out the backgrounds of the potos....this is (...) (24 years ago, 14-Mar-01, to

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