| | Re: Trains Trains and Train Shows.
| (...) I'm surprised you didn't also post this to the regular lugnet.train newsgroup...it would have got some of them into the conversation. I think I have a few similiar experiences like that...I mean to start off, when some people that know me find (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.org.au)
| |  | | Re: Trains Trains and Train Shows.
| ben medinets <bmedinets@aol.com> wrote in message news:G9svJJ.FuB@lugnet.com... (...) Hmmm. Reminds me of that sig I've seen aroung lugnet.train (Larry?): "Everything else is just scenery for Lego train" (approx) ROSCO (24 years ago, 7-Mar-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.org.au)
| |  | | Re: Trains Trains and Train Shows.
| (...) Well I think I probably got (stole) that philosophy from the train groupies in that newsgroup, but also I've had that idea in my head way, WAY before I got on Lugnet or even heard of Larry P ++ ...especially when I saw the trains when I first (...) (24 years ago, 7-Mar-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.org.au)
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