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Re: 2001 stock at Myer Hobart
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 12:49:53 GMT
614 times
In, Deidre Rushton Brumby writes:
In, Peter White writes:

Would these sets have been the Technic Stormtrooper and C3PO ?

They were both there on the shelf, a few of each, so what supposedly sold
after Frances was there and before I was is still a bit of a mystery!

BTW Catalogs in Hobart now at Kmart New Town, none at the Eastlands store.
For some bizarre reason they all felt soggy ??!!  No new stock though.

Soggy, maybe hot off the presses.
Target had some Technic vehicle sets like racing buggies or something.
These don't overly interest me, so I didn't take down numbers.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 2001 stock at Myer Hobart
(...) They were both there on the shelf, a few of each, so what supposedly sold after Frances was there and before I was is still a bit of a mystery! BTW Catalogs in Hobart now at Kmart New Town, none at the Eastlands store. For some bizarre reason (...) (24 years ago, 9-Feb-01, to

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