| | Store ratings [was RE: GST and Lego and ACCC]
I reckon we should put together a list of toy shops that over-charge for items, and do our best to get people to stop buying lego from them. This would be a community service, helping both lugnet members, and also could be of use for displays like (...) (25 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.au)
 | | Re: Store ratings [was RE: GST and Lego and ACCC]
(...) This is the same in Tas but then Target probably considers us part of Vic anyway. What does this set cost in Target elsewhere? If I overhear parents complaining about the price whilst looking at Lego I generally tell them where and when they (...) (25 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.au)
 | | Re: Store ratings [was RE: GST and Lego and ACCC]
Whytcross, Benjamin wrote in message <1D0812CAE3E7D2118BC...s.com.au>. .. (...) be (...) Check "Child & Adult" in Elsternwick. They claim to sell at 20% off all the time, but looking back I'm not sure the originals were RRP, but they might well (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.au)
 | | Re: Store ratings [was RE: GST and Lego and ACCC]
EEP!! BOYCOTT IT?!?!?! More like write one heck of a letter of complaint to TLG Inc. and have one of their reps PERSONALLY fix that store up with the proper pricing for that item. I don't think I've seen that item for more than $25 around at the (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jun-00, to lugnet.loc.au)