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  Paypal and the class action
I presume I am not the only person who got some incredibly long email about Paypal and a class action. However, is there anyone (unlike me) who managed to read through the whole thing and would care to offer some short answers as to: * what's it (...) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: Paypal and the class action
(...) IANAL, but as far as I can see its important if you had some bogus transactions on your account and/or found PayPal unhelpful in your efforts to understand what was on your account. I am a happy camper too. Nothing in it for us I think. And (...) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: Paypal and the class action
(...) I think that story is going arount for a long time. I've seen something like what you describe more than a year ago. I've had a issue once, a bank funding transfer of about 80 EURO to my Paypal account went missing inside Paypal, during the (...) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to,
  Re: Paypal and the class action
(...) Try this link: (URL) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: Paypal and the class action
I have poked around a bit more and offer the following *informal* summary. Usual caveats about not being a lawyer. This is a class action that has resulted in a settlement. This does not mean that Paypal have admitted to having done the wrong thing (...) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to
  Re: Paypal and the class action
(...) IANAL either but I offer the following from my reading of the docs available: (...) Note that the "pool" for these claims is half of (the total allocation (just under $10M) minus the statutory damage fund ($1M)). (...) As above, this is the (...) (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to

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