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Re: The Great Breathe Some Life Into, M(ore) entries!
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 00:20:27 GMT
1531 times
In, Troy Walker wrote:
   Here goes:

John Deere Model A tractor, not Aero version, Approx system scale.

Nice small construction ! Smallest MOCs are often the best due to the economical use of parts.

If I built one, it would have to be a tricycle, since I only possess one of those yellow geared wheel thingys.

   Death Star Trench Run Diorama - Star Wars Ep 4 ,mini scale, yes it contains offical releases, does this make it non eligible?.

Not a big fan of *rs Warts, so I will leave commentary to the trainspotters.

pete.w (another breath)

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: The Great Breathe Some Life Into, My entries!
Hello, all. Here are my entries for the "Great Breathe Some Life Into" competition. If I have read it right, they need not be Austrlian themed if you live here, which I do! Here goes: John Deere Model A tractor, not Aero version, Approx (...) (21 years ago, 27-Apr-04, to, FTX)

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