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 Local / Australia / 11439
  Re: BFF availability in Melbourne (was Re: 5987 Dino Research Compound)
(...) I don't have the pile of junk mail with me, but from memory: Mobile phones (but it's usually a limit of six or something - and one's bad enough!). Beer. Sometimes limited to two cases of a particular special (only when it's really cheap. At (...) (21 years ago, 1-Oct-03, to, FTX)
  Re: BFF availability in Melbourne (was Re: 5987 Dino Research Compound)
Just a quick one... There are still plenty of 10020's left at Myer in Highpoint - No BFF's though... What else... Let me think....hmmmmm - Nope. Enjoy the sets! Regards, Michael Golaszewski (21 years ago, 3-Oct-03, to, FTX)

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