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Re: BFF availability in Melbourne (was Re: 5987 Dino Research Compound)
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 00:59:20 GMT
783 times
In, Pete White wrote:
   In, Richie Dulin wrote:
   I agree. I suspect that when Myer/GB sells BFFs at $30ea, they are not looking to make a (huge) profit, and although they do make some restrictions on quantities available on a case by case basis (pun intended), I’m surprised they don’t formalise a limit.

It’s probably more an LA kickback scenario for Myer/GBs. Do formalised limits appear much in the retail world anymore? I seem to remember limits on supermarket items many years ago, but now...

I don’t have the pile of junk mail with me, but from memory:
  • Mobile phones (but it’s usually a limit of six or something - and one’s bad enough!).

  • Beer. Sometimes limited to two cases of a particular special (only when it’s really cheap.

  • At least one of the major supermarkets sometimes limits certain products to ‘normal retail quantities’.

   However, I think the BFF fits nicely into the category of sets that it would be good to have 100 of (for your own use, not for parting out. I bought two, definitely for my own use!). There’s just no waste in it: no raised baseplate, no one piece doors, no one piece cranelations, no kings, no queens, and so on... so maybe the sets were cleared out by a few people looking at making some very large castles?

Somewhere in Legoland... Lego Police Officer 1 : “Have you checked the boot ?”
Lego Police Officer 2 : “He only has 2 BFFs in his possession and he states
they are for his personal use, still sealed though.“
Lego Police Officer 1 : “Let’s take him in for questioning. The breathaliser
came up positive for ABS outgas.“



Richie Dulin

   Port Brique
Somewhere in the South Pacifique
Building a safer South Pacifique

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BFF availability in Melbourne (was Re: 5987 Dino Research Compound)
Just a quick one... There are still plenty of 10020's left at Myer in Highpoint - No BFF's though... What else... Let me think....hmmmmm - Nope. Enjoy the sets! Regards, Michael Golaszewski (21 years ago, 3-Oct-03, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BFF availability in Melbourne (was Re: 5987 Dino Research Compound)
(...) It's probably more an LA kickback scenario for Myer/GBs. Do formalised limits appear much in the retail world anymore? I seem to remember limits on supermarket items many years ago, but now... (...) Somewhere in Legoland... Lego Police Officer (...) (21 years ago, 30-Sep-03, to, FTX)

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