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Re: Review of 5857 Safran's Amazing Bazaar
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:59:51 GMT
1017 times
In lugnet.belville, Richie Dulin writes:
In, Kerry Raymond writes:

Although not new, I know many people will be thrilled to see food items like
baguettes, croissants and fruit available again.

<pedant on>
Baguettes, croissants, apples and bananas hardly seem to be the stuff of an
exotic eastern bazaar!
<pedant off>

Maybe this bazaar is subject to sanctions or just trade their exotic produce
for whippets of maths deductions.

But they are pretty cool. The Pattisserie du Port Brique is set to expand
its offerings!!

Will there be war between Port Block and Port Brique ?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Review of 5857 Safran's Amazing Bazaar
(...) <snip> (...) <pedant on> Baguettes, croissants, apples and bananas hardly seem to be the stuff of an exotic eastern bazaar! <pedant off> But they are pretty cool. The Pattisserie du Port Brique is set to expand its offerings!! Cheers Richie (22 years ago, 12-Mar-03, to lugnet.belville,

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