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BigW sales + other things
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 05:48:01 GMT
775 times
Actually got their catalog. Gungan Sub 7161 for $39.83AUD. Other things not
worth mentioning.

I hope this is not their only set on sale before christmas. I guess my hopes
were too high for a cheap Black Falcon Castle after last years cheap
Enchanted Island.

Re 8431, GB has plenty, they just hord them out the back till I'm gone. My
local had another 9 on the shelf and as I was leaving they were restocking
it (after I bought another 6).

Another observation. One of my local Kmarts are stock piling King Leo
Castles on the shelf for $179AUD (usually have about 2 on display most
times). I wouldn't be surprised if we see another $99AUD sale.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Kmart sale stuff (was Re: BigW sales + other things)
(...) You'd be right there. Got the Kmart Catalogue with that exact news in it (King Leo's Castle for $99AUD, save $80AUD). Also, Sopwith Camel is now $49.95AUD at Kmart. Matt W (who is kicking himself he bought a Camel earlier at over $60AUD.) (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to
  Re: BigW sales + other things
(...) They even had trouble moving Enchanted Islands at $44, Australians don't know a bargain when they see it. (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to
  Re: BigW sales + other things
(...) Bingo on this one Brad, I got the K-Mart catalog yesterday and what-do-ya-know, King Leo Castle, $99. Also had the Sopwith Camel for $49.99. from Saturday until next Friday. Trav (-|-) Eternal Quester for grey pieces (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to

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